Resolving to find a new job in 2016? You’re not alone


The New Year is right around the corner, along with crowded gyms, shopping carts filled with healthy food, and, according to CareerBuilder's annual New Year's Resolutions study, more people looking for new jobs. The study finds that 21 percent of employees are resolving to leave their current employers in 2016, a 5 percent increase since last year (16 percent).

This trend is particularly common among younger workers. Of employees ages 18 to 34, 30 percent say they expect to have a new job by the end of 2016, compared to 23 percent last year.

What's your resolution?

Of course, New Year's resolutions are a bit like the potato chips you're resolving to cut back on – you can never have just one. This year, workers' top resolutions for the office include:

Save more of my pay: 38 percent Be less stressed: 28 percent Get a raise or promotion: 26 percent Eat healthier at work: 19 percent Learn something new (take more courses, training, seminars): 17 percent

The top resolutions remain largely the same from 2015, and while not all of those goals were met, here are the resolutions workers say they kept this year:

Eat healthier at work: 13 percent Be less stressed: 12 percent Save more of my pay: 11 percent Learn something new (take more courses, training, seminars): 9 percent Perform better on the job: 8 percent

Job hunting in the New Year

Sticking to a resolution can be tough, but it's far from impossible. To help get you started, here are three tips for a successful 2016 job search:

Use social media strategically. The sheer volume of information social media directs at you each day can be a bit overwhelming. It's crucial to consciously organize the social media aspect of your job search. Know where your industry's recruiters and hiring managers spend their time, and be sure to follow the profiles or pages of companies you want to work for to stay up to date on job openings and announcements.

Don't be a copycat. There is no one-size-fits-all solution in job hunting. Just because a certain interview tactic or style was successful for one candidate doesn't mean it is the best strategy for you. Take into consideration your personal experiences, preferences and career goals and use them to position yourself as a unique candidate.

Network with your peers. The two fundamental steps in building a professional network are connecting and engaging. A lot of people focus so much of their energy on the first part, that they often neglect the second. Your connections have the power either to open or close doors, and your relationships with them will have a direct impact on which way the opportunity swings.

(Picture Source: Internet)

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