The 8 career books you need to read now

Want to know where your career's headed? Check out what top leadership and hiring managers are writing and talking about now.

Smart, successful workers know that to stay ahead of the game, it’s essential to keep up with the conversation and where trends are heading. Stay up to date with the latest in leadership practices, interview methods and industry specifics with these books that you need to read right now, and edge out the competition at your next interview, next meeting, next presentation or next business pitch. You’re sure to come out on top.

1. “The Virgin Way: Everything I Know About Leadership”
by Richard Branson
A blend of fun, family, passion and listening skills make up what this eccentric leader and his employees refer to as the “Virgin Way.” Richard Branson shares his methodical madness here, offering lessons and guidance for leadership practices and taking risks. Just as stylish and fun as the Virgin Group founder himself, this book is a fresh look at leadership and success.

2. “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In”
by Rober Fisher, William L. Ury, Bruce Patton
Proven step-by-step strategies for negotiating and coming to mutually acceptable agreements in all sorts of conflict are offered here in a thoroughly updated and revised edition of Fisher, Ury and Patton’s book that’s been helping relationships of all kinds for more than 30 years.

3. “Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All”
by Tom Kelley
Identifying principles and strategies that allow each of us to tap into our creative potential in both work and play is the focus of this narrative by IDEO founder and Stanford creator David Kelley and his brother Tom Kelley, IDEO partner and the author of the bestselling “The Art of Innovation.”

4. “Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions”
by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
A must-read for anyone who wants to wants to thrive in the software development/programming field. This interview preparation guide points to best practices for showcasing specific tech challenges and solutions that you’ve mastered, and how to show that you’re on the interviewer’s level. Besides decoding what interviewers are really asking, McDowell’s book prepares you for the types of roles you may be stepping into, and what you’ll need to know to succeed.

5. “So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love”
by Cal Newport
Is it really the best advice to “follow your passion”? Should workers really prioritize their hopes and whims over looking at economic trends and workforce demands? Here, Newport debunks cliché career advice and reveals the danger behind this advice, instead offering the reality of how people end up loving what they do. Learn how to find passion by putting in the hard work to become excellent. It will change how you look at career satisfaction.

6. “Becoming the Boss: New Rules for the Next Generation of Leaders”
by Lindsey Pollak
The concept of management is reinvented for a new generation in this book that shows how today’s young workers can step into leadership roles that capitalize on their values, talents and goals. Your professional plan can be developed to help bridge generational gaps as well as look ahead to where this generation will lead the future. A fast-paced guide for today’s younger workers as well as mature professionals.

7. “Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well”
by Douglas Stone
Learn how to turn evaluations, advice, criticisms and coaching into productive listening and learning in this book by the authors of “Difficult Conversations.” Addressing the tension between wanting to learn and wanting to be accepted as your current self, insights from neuroscience and psychology are paired with practical, hard-headed advice here in order to help you excel in leadership, organizational behavior and education.

8. “Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time”
by Brian Tracy
More than 450,000 copies have been sold and translated into 23 languages, making this legendary book on productivity a real influencer on how the world’s workers respond to tasks and projects. Learn how to break bad habits, embrace better solutions and get work done with Tracy’s latest edition that includes new information on how to keep technology from taking up most of our time and attention span.

(Picture Source: Internet)

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