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  • When your co-worker earns more than you

    It can come as quite a surprise if you happen to learn that a co-worker whom you thought you held the same rank as is actually earning more than you.

  • Uncovering the benefits of a bad job

    So be a part of the office dynamic. This makes it easier to reach out to an extended group of people. Take part in hallway chats, attend birthday events and bring a casserole to the monthly potluck or the summer picnic. When new people join the company, welcome them and express your interest in learning from each other.

  • Making a difference: Careers in child welfare

    Social workers work closely with children and their parents to help them cope with problems in their lives. Child and family social workers wear many hats -- they help parents find resources they need, step in when a child is being abused, arrange foster families or adoptions, and help families deal with a variety of issues, from mental illness to divorce

  • Strategies for Successful Interviewing

    Help the employer understand the value you bring. You can stand out from other candidates by giving answers that explicitly outline why you have the right qualifications for the job.

  • How today's workers communicate

    Technology has the power to bring people together, but workers may still feel disconnected without interacting as a team. Pena Malcampo notes that face-to-face interaction needs to be a priority to keep a company close and functioning as a team. Two important results from face-to-face interaction are bonding and maintaining a company culture.

  • Should you choose the dream job or the dream company?

    If you received two job offers -- one that isn't exactly the right fit but is at a company you admire and one that perfectly aligns with your qualifications but the company culture isn't ideal -- which one would you choose?

  • 5 things you can do in 5 minutes to prep for an interview

    You could spend days prepping for an interview, but if you show up late, it could all be for naught. A simple solution is to check out the location's address beforehand, consider what traffic conditions may be like, and plan out the best route and mode of transportation that will get you there on time (or better yet, early).

  • How to handle the 'cold' networking call or email

    Make it easy for the hiring manager you contact to help you. Your email should be short and concise, clearly spelling out your situation and the relevant information. A lengthy, wordy email with big blocks of text is unlikely to be read, much less thoughtfully considered and responded to. Respect your contact's time and keep the initial introduction brief.

  • 3 steps to juggle multiple interviews

    Mapping out how you're going to succeed in your interviews is important. Establishing a tentative "interview plan" can help you avoid any mix-ups. Creating a simple spreadsheet or completing a worksheet that lists dates, times, interviewer background and basic company information can keep your interviewing experiences in check and separate from one another.

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