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Quiz: What kind of animal are you at work?

Be careful when you discuss animals around a pet owner. You might accidentally start a never-ending conversation about the personalities, personal preferences or humanlike characteristics that animals possess. However, even people who don't own pets can see the similarities between animals and humans. But can you learn anything from animals when it comes to your day-to-day work life? Take this quiz to determine which animal you share work habits with and whether you need to tame your instincts.

1. There's a co-worker's birthday party in the office break room. Where are you?
A. Next to the celebrated co-worker, cutting the cake or passing out plates.
B. Near the back of the break room or inching back to my desk.
C. Retelling a funny joke I heard earlier that day to the person next to me.
D. It doesn't matter; no matter where I go, people will annoy me.

2. Your boss has asked for your input on a project. What kind of feedback do you give?
A. Supportive information that will give my boss the best tools to lead this project.
B. A short answer that shows just how uninterested I am in the conversation.
C. What my boss wants to hear; why else would I be asked for my opinion?
D. Exactly what I think about the project, including the list of possible negative outcomes.

3. You have to work with a group of co-workers on a project. How does it go?
A. Wonderfully! I helped guide the project and worked really well with others.
B. It just reinforced that I work better alone.
C. I agreed with most of what was being said and followed what direction the group took.
D. It's frustrating to work with others, and by the end of the meeting I had yelled at two co-workers.

4. You're asked to present your area of expertise to a group of colleagues. How does it go?
A. I interacted well with others, but it was a little uncomfortable to be in charge.
B. It felt good to get recognized for my talents and to be the only one speaking.
C. It was all right. I don't mind public speaking but preferred quoting others in my presentation.
D. It went fine until I noticed somebody texting on his phone. I stopped the presentation until he started paying attention.

5. Your boss asks everybody to stay late to help wrap up a project. What do you do?
A. Clear my schedule and make sure I'm the last person to leave each night.
B. Stay an extra hour or two one night and decide that's enough.
C. Agree and nod my head. Whatever the boss says, I do.
D. Storm into the boss's office and ask why I have to stay late, even though I always get my work done on time.


Mostly A's: Dog
Your work habits are similar to those of man's best friend, the trusty and loyal canine. You work well with others and enjoy being around your co-workers. But it's OK to disagree with your co-workers or the boss from time to time. Don't be afraid to be more than your boss's sidekick, and start focusing on your career without depending on your boss for instructions.

Mostly B's: Cat
It's no surprise that both you and your feline counterpart prefer to spend most of your time alone. You're confident in your abilities and know you do a good job, but you're not exactly easy to work with. Create a balance of working independently and collaborating with others. Your knowledge and dedication can make you a great leader if you learn how to work well with others and communicate your ideas instead of staying silent.

Mostly C's: Parrot
It may be time to ask yourself if this is really the job for you, as it seems you're more comfortable parroting back to others what you hear instead of forming your own opinions. Rather than stealing the ideas of others or just saying what you think people want to hear, start offering your own thoughts to the conversation or start looking for a job in which you'll have your own voice.

Mostly D's: Skunk
Have you noticed that your co-workers walk on eggshells around you? Your unpredictable temper causes you to lose your cool, and it's hurting your career. Stop lashing out at co-workers and taking your emotions out on your boss. Find ways to even out your emotions and channel your energy into your work, such as breathing exercises or an anger management class. Passion can be a great asset in a career if used productively.

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