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  • Quiz: Is your cover letter like a bad handshake?

    Handshakes are another form of introduction, so think of your cover letter as a handshake. While you may think you're offering a warm handshake, your cover letter could actually be strong-arming you out of a job.

  • 5 jobs you can get with an English degree

    What comes after the diploma? If you're looking for ideas, consider any of these five jobs that can put that degree to use, as well as lead to valuable opportunities down the road.

  • 9 Interview Questions You Should Be Asking

  • 6 job-search mistakes to avoid when finding your first job

    You're eager to impress potential employers with your newly gotten experience and degree, but you're afraid that you might botch it. Here are some common job-search mistakes that trip up many new grads -- and tips for avoiding them.

  • 6 ways hiring managers are spotting résumé lies

    Thirty-eight percent of employees have embellished their job responsibilities at some point, and 18 percent have lied about their skills. Other common lies surrounded information about employment start and end dates, academic degrees, previous employers and job titles.

  • Update these 5 items on your résumé

    After having the same haircut for a few years, it's always fun to change it up a bit. When a new season arrives, it's a good excuse to clean out the closet and update your wardrobe.

  • Quiz: Do You Love Your Job?

    How much do you love your job? We all know people who have happily found a compatible, lifelong profession and others who just can't seem to settle on one career path. Where do you fall along this spectrum? Take our quiz and find out!

  • What you can learn from not getting the job?

    Getting rejected is devastating and unnerving, and it's easy to obsess over what went wrong. Was the interview bad? Was the position filled internally? Instead of wallowing in self-doubt, take the opportunity to conduct an honest assessment. Don't be afraid to follow up and ask why you weren't the right fit. If you don't ask, you'll never know.

  • Get a job at the company you want

    Job seekers often start their search by identifying the type of job they want before looking for companies that offer relevant positions. But what if you have your eye on a specific company you want to work for, and you're willing to do whatever it takes to become a part of that organization?

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